Frequently Asked Questions

Ordering & Shipping

Do you ship to anywhere outside of the United States?

Yes, I ship to the US and Canada only at this time.

Can I have two orders combined and extra shipping refunded?

We get this asked quite often.  The short answer is no.  There are 2 main reasons why we do not.

  1. Because we fill orders quickly, sometimes within an hour of you ordering.
  2. Because each time we refund any part of an order (even shipping fees) we still pay processing fees on your order (even if part of the order is refunded).  Shopify and PayPal do not reimburse us.

Should you place two orders and notify us immediately (and your order has not shipped) I will send you a Gift Card for the amount of shipping you paid on the second order to use on your next order.  However, if you are placing two orders in order to use 2 different discount codes, and your combined order is enough to receive free shipping ($75 or more) I will ONLY issue store credit for 1 of the shipping amounts. 

We can always add to an order you place if you decide you would like to add additional items.  (Unless your other order has already been processed).  However, you will not be able to use a different discount code for items added on.  Just like any order placed, only one discount code will apply for each transaction.


How do I redeem points?

Points can be redeemed at the bottom right-hand corner of your screen by clicking on the crown. If you are not logged in, you will be asked to log in. After that, simply click "Redeem Rewards". You will then come to a section with a purple dot. If you do NOT slide the dot over to the left, you will be redeeming ALL of your points.  Therefore, you want to slide the dot over to select the amount of points you wish to redeem.  You will then be given a code you can put into your discount box.  PLEASE NOTE: If you redeem your points and do not use them all in your purchase, you will lose them. 

How do I create an account?

You can create an account by clicking the person icon in the upper right-hand corner. If you are a previous Double Dipp'd Member, your account may have been migrated from the old website. To complete the migration, simply create an account with the same e-mail as your old Double Dipp'd Website Account. This will ensure that your points are carried over from the old website.

Why is my reward code "invalid" when I try to use it?

Most likely, you have already used it.  Reward codes will always stay in your account, whether used or unused.  This is not something Double Dipp'd controls unfortunately.  An outside app is used for the rewards system.  If it indicates that it is invalid, it was already used.  

How come my discount code did not transfer to my purchase?

If you simply click "apply code" it will not add it to your cart. You need to copy and paste the code into the discount box for it to apply.  

Can I use multiple discount codes at checkout?

No.  You can only use one code per transaction.  

How do I redeem a Referral Code for 20% off?

For referral codes, you must use the provided link to visit, purchase and sign up for an account. If you do not follow these instructions, you will not be able to use the discount. Referral links can only be used once and, if you already have an existing account, you are unable to use the link. They are for first time customers who do not already have an account with Double Dipp’d.

Why are some of my jars not full?

Before February of 2024, ALL powders were weighed and some weigh more than others.  All colored dip powders are sold in 1/4 oz.  Beginning in February of 2024, we will be filling jars by volume and not by weight.  This means that all newly filled jars (New Releases and restocks) will be filled to the top of the jar.  (A small amount of settling will occur).  Until all powders that were already filled before this new procedure took effect are sold, you may receive some that are strictly 1/4 oz and some filled to the top of the jar.  

Why is the dip powder I purchased recently a different shade than the same powder I purchased previously?

Unfortunately, the powder we purchase this week may not be exactly the same shade as the same powder we purchased last month or last year.  While our suppliers do their best with quality control, often times the powder is off just a bit.  However, if we adjust our formula, then eventually our formula is compromised resulting in not being able to recreate the powder at all.  This usually only affects some solid colors as we do not encounter this on a regular basis.

Subscription Bags

I signed up for the sub bag and want to order but haven't received my discount code yet. Where do I get it?

You will receive an email shortly after you subscribe with your 25% discount code. DO NOT DELETE that email.  That is the only email you will receive with your code. You can also view the latest Subscription Blog Post for the discount code.

Where is my tracking information?

You should receive your tracking information in an email from Double Dipp'd. You may have to look in your spam folder as well. If you still cannot find your information, please contact us via email or the chat box on the website and we can find your information.

Why can't I purchase a subscription when I try?

The subscription bags are sent out on a quarterly basis and will only open for new subscriptions on the First of the month prior to the bag going out.  In the listings for our Subscriptions, there is a time table for the months the subscriptions are sent out.  If you cannot place your order, then sign ups are not open. Subscriptions are generally sold from the 1st through the 15th of the month open, OR until they are at capacity, whichever comes first.

How do I cancel my subscription?

You will see your subscription details right from your customer account portal and can make changes to your name, address and payment method (including cancelation) right through that portal.  Remember, once you cancel, all perks are removed from your account.


How should I store my Powders?

You should store your powders in a cool dry place sealed tight. The least amount of moisture/humidity can ruin your powder. Even a drop of water can make your powder unusable. If you live in a humid climate, storing them in an air conditioned area is a must.

Why are there tiny flecks of pigment in my jar?

Please remember that these powders are hand made.  This means they are hand mixed from scratch and do not go through large industrial mixers such as with large dip companies.  For that reason, it is possible to receive a powder with small imperfections.  Neon and thermal pigments are extremely dense and very hard to break up.  We do sift the powder in these cases, but sometimes it's possible small fragments of pigment could be left and get into the jars of powders.  We take all the measures we can to fully mix these powders.  If your jar happens to have this present, you can strain them out using the organza bag that your dips come shipped in, mix them with a small scoop or spoon or contact us and we will send a new jar out.  

Facebook Page & Group

Is your Facebook group open?

The Facebook group is currently set to Private, but open to new members! Simply request membership, answer the questions and agree to the group rules and wait for acceptance.

Order Processing

How long is order processing?

We ask to allow 3-5 business days for order processing.  (Does not include weekends or holidays) However, unless your order comes in during a sale or new release, most orders are processed in a day or two.  If we determine processing will definitely take longer, we will add an announcement to the top of the Home Page of the website reflecting this.