Unfortunately, due to increased costs associated with shipping supplies and postage, we will be raising prices on some products. We will also be changing our Subscriptions effective 9/1.
I am sorry to have to make these changes, but due to increased operating costs, shipping costs and overall material costs (which have all risen greatly since Covid), I am unable to effectively do business without these changes. To keep providing you with the highest quality products and ingredients, these changes are necessary.
Quarterly Mystery "Perfectly Paired" Subscription
1 Premium Powder such as a Chameleon, Aurora or Flake
1 Solid Powder to compliment the Premium Powder
1 Shimmer or Glitter Powder to compliment the Solid
All powders are filled to the top of a 1/4 oz jar (settling will occur)
Terms and Pricing
Shipping to U.S. - Cost is $25 per quarter (including shipping)
Shipping to Canada - Cost is $35 per quarter (including shipping)
Quarterly Dip Liquid Subscription
We are introducing a *NEW* Dip Liquid Quarterly Subscription effective 9/1
Set of 3 Dip Liquids (Base, Activator and Top)
1 - exclusive 1/4 oz Dip Powder filled to the top of a 1/4 oz jar (settling will occur) (powder will be disclosed at the time it is shipped)
Terms and Pricing
Shipping to U.S. - Cost is $30 per quarter (including shipping)
Shipping to Canada - Cost is $40 per quarter (including shipping)
Quarterly Gel Liquid Subscription
We are introducing a *NEW* Gel Liquid Quarterly Subscription effective 9/1
Set of 3 Hema Free Gel Liquids (Base, Top and Matte Top)
1 - exclusive 1/4 oz Dip Powder filled to the top of a 1/4 oz jar (settling will occur) (powder will be disclosed at the time it is shipped)
Terms and Pricing
Shipping to U.S. - Cost is $30 per quarter (including shipping)
Shipping to Canada - Cost is $40 per quarter (including shipping)
Perks for ALL Subscriptions
Subscription perks end when you cancel (or canceled for non-payment)
25% off Discount Code (while you are subscribed)
Early access to most New Releases
Access to all past exclusive subscription colors (while they remain) This includes the Dip AND Gel Liquid Subscription colors.
Member only events each quarter
Access to our *NEW* Secret Sub Menu (consists of specially made one batch colors only for existing sub members to purchase)
ALL CURRENT SUBSCRIPTIONS WILL BE CANCELED DURING THE LAST WEEK OF AUGUST. WE WILL BE MOVING OUR SUBSCRIPTIONS OVER TO THE WEBSITE AND WILL NOT BE USING PAYPAL FOR THEM. However, you will NEED to subscribe again should you wish to continue your subscription. We will also have 2 NEW Liquid Subscriptions.
IF YOU STAY A CURRENT SUBSCRIPTION MEMBER UNTIL WE CHANGE OVER, You will need to subscribe on the website for the Subscription Plan you would like beginning on 9/1 at Noon Central. They will work much like they have in the past, but you will be able to see and manage them directly through your DD website account.
ALL NEW CUSTOMERS TO THE POWDER SUBSCRIPTION can subscribe on 9/2. EVERYONE can subscribe to the Liquid Subscriptions beginning on 9/1 at Noon Central. Once we are at full capacity, or no later than 9/15, we will close subscription sign ups until the next quarter (12/1).
You will NOT be able to use a discount for purchasing a subscription and you cannot use points, BUT you will accumulate points for the purchase of your subscription. (This is a new feature).
ALSO, You will NOT be able to add anything except the subscription to your cart. Should you subscribe for a Powder AND a Liquid subscription, YOU MUST DO THIS SEPARATELY. They have different shipping dates.
Once subscribed, your discount code will be automatically assigned and you will receive an email with all of the information pertinent to your subscription. You can use that discount code for every order while you are subscribed. (You cannot use your sub code with any other discount codes).
NOTE: DO NOT cancel your current subscription if you plan on making purchases through the end of August. If you cancel prior to then, you will lose access to your 25% off discount code and ALL perks associated with your subscription. You will also lose your ability to subscribe on 9/1 and will have to wait until 9/2. I will be canceling all current subscriptions through PayPal during the last week in August.
1/4 oz Non Premium Dip Powders will be $8.50 a jar (increasing from $8)
1/4 oz Premium Dip Powders will be $12.50 a jar (increasing from $12)
Beginning 9/1, our DIPPD15 discount code will only be available for first time customers. Customers who do not have a subscription (and discount code from that) can find Influencers in various Facebook Groups and on Instagram/YouTube who have codes you can use on orders at any time. Please remember that only one discount code can be used per transaction. Signing up for a Subscription (Mystery Dip subscription or Liquid subscription) will entitle you to a standard 25% discount. See Above.
First time customers to our website receive a free dip powder, which until now has been from our Closeout Box. Effective 9/1, all First Time customers will receive a jar of a brand new unreleased dip powder (to be released sometime in the future) when available, or a Mystery Dip. Mystery Dips are usually from batches of powder that never make it to the main line, custom colors made for others or just a powder that didn't come out the way I wanted it to. These are FUN to open and be surprised with!